
Java-GIS with GDV-MapBuilder

GDV MapBuilder is a JAVA API that enables platform independent GIS applications, applets, servlets and JAVA WebStart applications to be developed simply and quickly.

GDV MapBuilder is the ideal solution for providing a large or very large number of users with access to specialist GIS applications in an economical manner. GDV MapBuilder is also an intelligent choice for software companies that wish to integrate GIS functionality into their own software products. The license model of GDV MapBuilder provides you with a high level of planning security combined with complete flexibility and attractive prices.

GDV MapBuilder provides the basic functionality for developing GIS applications, the functions of which can be extended on an ongoing basis. Special functions for individual specialist applications can also be developed at any time through the extension or derivation of existing JAVA classes. Our team would of course be more than happy to develop these for you! 

GDV MapBuilder proves that JAVA can be used to develop fast-running applications.

GDV MapBuilder is the perfect solution for all specialist applications that need to visualise, query and process digital spatial data from different sources. This applies to standalone applications (e.g. on CD-ROM) as well as web applications (browser-based and applications). The server-based processing of geodata and services can also be handled with the help of GDV MapBuilder servlets. 

Numerous GIS functions have already been implemented within GDV MapBuilder, and GDV can develop more for you, if required. Simply get in touch with us!

4-Seitige Produktboschüre

Flexible Programmierschnittstelle für Ihre GIS-Fachanwendung

GIS für jedermann? GIS-Fachanwendungen müssen heute neuen Nutzungsanforderungen
gerecht werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Nutzer ohne GIS-Expertenwissen.
Gefragt sind einfach bedienbare Softwarelösungen, die Basis-GIS-Funktionalität
bieten und eine überschaubare Anzahl speziell auf die Arbeitsabläufe des Anwenders
abgestimmter Operationen zur Verfügung stellen. Mit GDV-MapBuilder setzen Sie
dies kostengünstig in einer Lösung um!
